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6. október 2021

48. lota mannréttindaráðsins: sameiginlegt ávarp NB8 um stöðu mannréttinda í Úkraínu flutt af utanríkisráðherra

Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson utanríkis- og þróunarsamvinnuráðherra flutti fyrir hönd Norðurlanda og Eystrasaltsríkjanna ávarp á fundi 48. lotu mannréttindaráðs Sameinuðu þjóðanna um stöðu mannréttinda í Úkraínu.


Human Rights Council
48th session
Interactive Dialogue on the High Commissioner‘s Oral Update on Ukraine

Statement by H.E. Gudlaugur Thór Thórsson,
Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation of Iceland on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic Countries (NB8)


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Madame President,

On behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries, I thank the High Commissioner for her oral update.

We reiterate our support to Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, within its internationally recognized borders. We do not recognise the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia, and strongly condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Therefore, we do not recognise the so-called elections held in the occupied Crimean peninsula.

We urge Russia to uphold its obligations under international law, including international human rights law and international humanitarian law, and we underscore the need to fully implement the Minsk agreements. We call on Russia to take on its responsibility, as occupying power.

We likewise call on Russia to cease human rights violations and abuses and humanitarian law violations in Crimea and in the non-government controlled areas in eastern Ukraine. This total disrespect for the rule of law, humanitarian law, and human rights is unacceptable. Those responsible for violations and abuses must be held accountable.

We reiterate our firm support for the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission and commend Ukraine’s successful efforts to keep Crimea on the international agenda.

I thank you.


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